Jean-Paul van Ravensberg

Jean-Paul van Ravensberg

Windows Autopilot - Configure OneDrive from OOBE?!

Recently Microsoft introduced Windows Autopilot. This is a feature where you can register your corporate devices and where users can use their internet connection to sign in with their Azure AD credentials. The device is automatically enrolled with MDM like Intune and will receive apps and policies from there. According to Microsoft’s recent blog post and instruction video, a user needs to insert their WiFi password as the device will get the configuration from MDM and is already enrolled, without having the option to change the MDM provider or enroll the device as a personal device.

Azure AD Domain Services now available from the Azure Portal!

Today I found out that Azure AD Domain Services is available from the new Azure Portal! The documentation is still based on using the old portal. Now you can finally use Azure Resource Manager for the VNET and deployment. Creating your first Azure AD Domain Services instance will take quite some time but is really easy to configure. Specify the DNS name of the domain, a resource group, a VNET with subnet and a subscription and you’re good to go.

Avanade announces new Microsoft Azure Stack solution

Last Tuesday Avanade announced the new Avanade Azure Stack Solution. Avanade delivers this solution from client site, at remote locations or hosted in Avanade’s own datacenters. Azure Stack is an extension of Azure to on-premises locations. People tend to forget that Azure Stack is not just a replacement of your physical servers running a hypervisor like Hyper-V. It’s a true hybrid cloud solution. You get features like Disaster Recovery with instant fail-over, Platform as a Service (PaaS) capabilities, Load Balancing, the new Portal experience and so on.

Why I'm not buying the new iPad 2017

Would you buy a new television when only the CPU is slightly faster, but the screen quality is worse? Would you buy a new phone, when it’s only slightly faster than the old model? Well, that’s the position I’m currently in. Last year I wanted to buy a new iPad. I was looking for an iPad around the iPad Air 2 price range. It’s just for home-use like Netflix, Spotify and HomeKit, so I’m absolutely not a Pro user.

PowerShell - How to Create an Array with PSObject

As I told you before in my previous blog post, I was asked to build an interactive PowerShell script for creating Virtual Machines in Azure. In this blog post, I want to show you how I’ve created a report (or array) within PowerShell that: Visualize the to-be-created objects to the user Allows PowerShell to get the data of that array to create Virtual Machines. This makes sure that you have a consistent view of what PowerShell will create for you.

PowerShell - Using Out-GridView to Select a Parameter

Last week I was asked to build an interactive PowerShell script for creating Virtual Machines in Azure. In this blog post, I want to share an easy way to prompt a user for a selection. # Select Azure subscription $AzureSubscription = (Get-AzureRmSubscription | Out-GridView -Title "Choose your Azure subscription and click OK." -PassThru) Write-Output "Switching to Azure subscription: $($AzureSubscription.Name)" $AzureSubscriptionInfo = Select-AzureRmSubscription -SubscriptionId $AzureSubscription.Id This uses Out-GridView to display the contents of the “Get-AzureRmSubscription” Cmdlet and asks the user to make a selection.