Jean-Paul van Ravensberg

Jean-Paul van Ravensberg

Install the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update on your GPO-enabled machine

So your Group Policy (GPO) settings do not allow you to upgrade to the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and you have local administrative access on your machine? The registry fix from below will change this! Copy the registry fix from below and save it as fix.reg with Notepad. (Make sure you don’t save it as fix.reg.txt!) Right click on the file and click “Merge”. You should now have access to Settings -> Update & Security -> Windows Insider Program.

Create a Hyper-V NAT Switch with PowerShell - the easy way

You can follow the original guide by Microsoft and manually edit all the details, or just use the variables from the script below and let PowerShell do the work for you. # Variables $InternalSwitchName = "Internal Virtual Switch" $NATGatewayPrefixLength = "24" $NATGatewayNetwork = "$NATGatewayPrefixLength" $NATGatewayIP = "" $NATNetworkName = "NAT Network" # Create the VM Switch and NAT Gateway New-VMSwitch -SwitchName $InternalSwitchName -SwitchType Internal New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $NATGatewayIP -PrefixLength $NATGatewayPrefixLength -InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter -Name $("vEthernet ($InternalSwitchName)")).

Dell Precision 5510: Six Months Later

Six months ago I received an email from our IT Department. Good news, my old 3.5 KG Dell Latitiude E6540 (with a big battery) was out of warranty. The Surface Pro wasn’t announced yet but because of the rumors, I didn’t want to go with a soon-to-be-old Surface Pro 4. And I must say I wanted a notebook that I can place on my Bobby Notebook Stand. [caption id=“attachment_1495” align=“alignnone” width=“643”]Picture Source: Ergo2Go.

Restful Weekends - Disable Corporate Email On Your Phone

A couple of months ago I started to work on a very intensive project with very tight deadlines. This resulted in some very long days at the office and planned rest in the weekends. During that time I decided to disable the corporate email synchronization on my corporate phone. I always got triggered when I received a new email regarding project activities. It’s something you recognize when it’s not there anymore.

Unknown Devices when installing Hyper-V on Windows 10

The following unknown device IDs will pop-up when you run the script or when you open Device Manager: ROOT\VMBUS\0000 ROOT\VID\0000 ROOT\VPCIVSP\0000 ROOT\STORVSP\0000 ROOT\SYNTH3DVSP\0000 If you want to find all Unknown Devices, open PowerShell as an Administrator and run: Get-WmiObject Win32_PNPEntity | Where-Object { $_.ConfigManagerErrorCode -ne 0} | Select DeviceID On my work notebook, all drivers were correctly populated so it had to be something with my test laptop. It’s a fresh Windows 10 machine deployed by a Task Sequence - enabled with Device Guard and Credential Guard.

Lock screen image not showing - Windows 10 1703

Recently I was trying to apply a lock screen image with a GPO. I distributed the image to the C:/Windows/Web/Wallpaper directory and configured the Windows 10 GPO to that location. After running the Windows 10 Task Sequence successfully, the default lock screen image came up. I was using a large image from the client so that it still looks good on bigger screens. I’ve found out that after resizing the image back to 1080P, the image was applied successfully after locking the machine.