Jean-Paul van Ravensberg

Jean-Paul van Ravensberg


Microsoft Ignite – Day 03 – 28-09-2016

Yes, a new day at the Microsoft Ignite conference! All the sessions are spread across 3 buildings (A, B, C) and I must say that this keeps you fit during the conference. On Monday, my iPhone showed me the following stats for the day: 18.8 kilometers is around 11.6 miles! Today I really enjoyed the session with Jeffrey Snover and Don Jones about PowerShell. I don’t know if it was recorded and will be available later, but I can highly recommend it.

Microsoft Ignite – Day 02 – 27-09-2016

Day 2 of the Microsoft Ignite conference at Atlanta started early for us at 9:00. We had breakfast at 8:00 and where travelling by metro which costs us probably 30 minutes. Below are the sessions I followed today and recommend: Explore Microsoft Azure Stack “State of the Union” - Foundation 1 This was a presentation with a high overview of Azure Stack. Didn’t learn a lot about the technology, but some announcements where quite interesting: Azure Stack will be General Available in Mid-CY17.

Microsoft Ignite - Day 01 - 26-09-2016

I’m sitting in my hotel room in Buckhead, Atlanta thinking about all the Ignite sessions of today. It’s around 23:00 and we will visit Ignite early tomorrow, so I’ll keep it short. The day started at the C-building with a nice breakfast. The keynote was presented in the Philips Arena which is the arena of the Atlanta Hawks basketball team. We went to the keynote quite early in the morning but still it was hard to find a good seat.

Dell UltraSharp U3415W 34" Curved

This week I received my new monitor, the Dell UltraSharp U3415W Curved as a replacement for my Dell UltraSharp U2312HM Triple Screen setup. My workplace is going to be part of my living room this year, so I don’t want a triple screen setup there. After I placed the screen on my desk, I had a “WOW” moment. Absolutely beautiful screen and design of the Dell screen. Don’t expect a full review here, but just some things you should know before you buy this monitor.

Azure Automation - Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'ConfigurationFunction'

Today I was working on an Azure project where the deployment of Azure resources needed to be automated. Problem You’ll see the following error message: ERROR: New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment : 7:27:39 AM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions 'test01/dscExtension' failed with message '{ "status": "Failed", "error": { "code": "ResourceDeploymentFailure", "message": "The resource operation completed with terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.", "details": [ { "code": "VMExtensionProvisioningError", "message": "VM has reported a failure when processing extension 'dscExtension'. Error message: \"The DSC Extension failed to execute: **Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'ConfigurationFunction'**.

Microsoft Surface Pro - An enterprise device?

Microsoft is pushing everything to an “As a Service” model. I think that’s great because of - for example - staying in control of licenses and costs. Microsoft recently announced the “Windows 10 as a Service” and “Surface as a Service” services. The Surface Pro 4 is a fantastic device, but in my opinion lacks a couple of essential features to classify it as an Enterprise Device. I worked with large organizations and the first 2 check boxes on the acceptance list are: