PowerShell - Signed scripts "cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled"
So you are signing your PowerShell scripts as a Best Practice from Microsoft. Good job! You’ve configured the PowerShell Execution Policy as AllSigned and you’ve created an application in SCCM where you run the signed script as:
PowerShell.exe -File .\Script.ps1
The application installs just fine on your machine from the Software Center. During the Task Sequence, the application cannot be installed and in the Event Viewer. You’ll find the following error message:
PowerShell.exe: File cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_execution_policies at…"
You open up PowerShell to see the current ExecutionPolicy. “Get-ExecutionPolicy -List” shows that all scopes have undefined execution policies. With “Get-HelpĀ about_Execution_Policies” you find out that Undefined policy is equal to a restricted policy and that “Permits individual commands, but will not run scripts”.
The solution
Go back to your application in SCCM and make sure you set the ExecutionPolicy to AllSigned so it will work both during a Task Sequence and while working in OS.
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy AllSigned -File .\Script.ps1