
Create a Hyper-V NAT Switch with PowerShell - the easy way


You can follow the original guide by Microsoft and manually edit all the details, or just use the variables from the script below and let PowerShell do the work for you.

# Variables
$InternalSwitchName = "Internal Virtual Switch"
$NATGatewayPrefixLength = "24"
$NATGatewayNetwork = "$NATGatewayPrefixLength"
$NATGatewayIP = ""
$NATNetworkName = "NAT Network"

# Create the VM Switch and NAT Gateway
New-VMSwitch -SwitchName $InternalSwitchName -SwitchType Internal
New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $NATGatewayIP -PrefixLength $NATGatewayPrefixLength -InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter -Name $("vEthernet ($InternalSwitchName)")).InterfaceIndex
New-NetNat -Name $NATNetworkName -InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix $NATGatewayNetwork